Summer lawn Treatment

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The business should consider booking in a professional treatment from around May. This would be a top up treatment over a full treatment, as a full treatment isn’t necessary during this time. It will still need some sort of treatment to avoid drying in the heat.


Why should the business treat its lawn in summer?

Although you may have seen growth during spring, summer will see a huge growth spurt. It’s important to ensure that you cater to the lawn while it grows, as it needs the additional nutrients to
bulk up and become brighter and more colourful. This is also a perfect opportunity to nip any weeks or moss in the bud.


What should the business use to treat its lawn during summer?

A professional lawn care specialist will use a granular fertilizer that is high in nitrogen to treat the lawn. They are also likely to use a targeted herbicide spray. Summer in the UK can get extremely hot, so it’s important to ensure it is well watered and given plenty of nutrients to survive the heat.


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How often should the business mow its lawn in summer?

Unsurprisingly the sun will almost certainly encourage a growth spurt during summer, which means the company lawn will need extra attention. You may need to mow the lawn 2 or 3 times a week during this period. Just remember to keep the grass the same height each time you cut it – 2 inches is plenty tall.


How should the business deal with weeds and moss during summer?

In the summer you will see an increase in weeds and moss due to the exponential growth of the lawn. Every mow of the lawn should be followed by an inspection for moss and weeds. Any sign of these should be treated as soon as possible with an appropriate weed/moss killer.


How often should the business water its lawn in summer?

You can expect to water the lawn more regularly during hotter periods. If you see the lawn turning yellow or it doesn’t grow as quickly then it may need to be watered. When watering you need to ensure that it’s enough water to fully penetrate the soil and reach the roots.

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We offer businesses four seasonal visits to the premises, ensuring lawns and grounds have the perfect balance of nutrients 365 days a year.

Each quarterly visit covers the following:

Spring Treatment

Spring treatments usually commence from late March to early April, depending on the weather. We liaise with you directly to arrange an appointment to visit your premises, where we will provide essential nutrients together with a selective weed killer to improve the condition of your lawn after the harsh winter months. This fertiliser will stimulate growth and improve the colour of your lawn.

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Summer Treatment

A controlled release granular fertiliser is applied to maintain the strong growth of your lawn and reduce the effects of warm, dry weather conditions. A spot spray selective herbicide may also be applied, if required to keep weed population to an absolute minimum. The combination of fertiliser and herbicide maintains a green, healthy-looking lawn throughout those enjoyable summer months. This treatment is normally applied between May and July.

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Autumn Treatment


Our autumn treatment includes a fertiliser which contains less nitrogen but more magnesium. Magnesium helps to develop a strong root system on the lawn by protecting it from winter conditions. Again, a selective spot weedkiller may also be applied if required. This treatment is normally applied between August and September.

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Winter Treatment

Once the summer sun has departed and the ground gets damp moss can begin to flourish. This winter treatment involves spraying the lawn with liquid iron which turns the moss black almost instantly and gradually works its way into the roots. This improves the colour of the grass so that it looks it’s best throughout the winter months. Winter treatments will start in October at the earliest.

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