Hollow Tine Aeration Lawn Treatment
Hollow tine aeration involves removing small cores, or plugs, of soil from your lawn. This eases compaction and thatch, letting the lawn breathe, with air, water and fertiliser all able to easily get through to the root.
Over time, the roots and soil underneath a lawn become compacted leaving it difficult for the lawn to receive oxygen and nutrients, this can be due to the age of the lawn and its use, as well as exposure to bad weather. Hollow tine aeration is a reliable way to assist the lawn so that water and essential nutrients can penetrate into the root zone.
To aerate your lawn, we’ll use equipment such as the handheld lawn aerator, which is similar to a garden fork but with hollow tubes rather than spikes, or the petrol-powered hollow tine aerator. This piece of equipment aerates lawns efficiently and effectively, letting the soil breathe, getting it the essential nutrients that it needs, and allowing it to grow healthily.
For lawns that need some serious aeration, a petrol-powered piece of equipment is the best tool for the job. However, for a variety of reasons – the cost of buying one for infrequent use, not having the free time to spend on lawn care, or simply finding it too physically demanding – properly aerating the lawn just isn’t possible for many of us. That’s where we come in! We’re here to help with both hollow tine aeration and all of your lawn care needs, residential or commercial. Our team of professionals has the highest standard of equipment for lawn care, giving your lawn the services it needs to stay fresh and healthy. If you’re interested in our hollow tine aeration services, get in touch with us today, and find out more about our other lawn treatment services here.
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